Steam 蒸
After the water comes to a boil, place product into steamer, and steam for 8-25 minutes until cooked.
Boil 煮
After water comes to a boil, place dumplings / wontons into the pot and boil for approximately 10 minutes.
Pan Fry 煎
Heat up frying pan on medium heat. Add oil and pan fry dumplings until the bottom is golden. Add enough water to cover about half of the dumplings. Cover with lid and cook until the water has been evaporated.
平底鍋加熱後加入油,將鍋貼放入鍋中煎至底部金黃。然後鍋中加入水至鍋貼中部,加蓋,煮至水分收乾. 即可食用。
Deep Fry 炸
Heat oil to 350 F. Place item into oil and deep fry for about 5 - 10 minutes.